Many times people believe taking an Anger Management class is about themselves and developing tools to manage their own anger issues. This is a misrepresentation of why we should all consider taking an anger management course. The real intent and content of most of our programs is to teach people how to have a better relationships with themselves and furthermore generalize those principles into external relationships with others including our loved ones at home, colleagues at work or even friends in our social circles. So, in essence, it benefits everyone. There are also many stereotypes about the types of people who attend such courses including beliefs that it’s for people who are criminals or have extremely aggressive tendencies. The truth is because many of us have never been taught how to get angry the right way, most of us get angry the wrong way.. and hence why we offer these courses. The preference for most people is to be passive while playing the nice guy or nice girl role further disseminating false and very destructive lies about how to manage anger and solve problems effectively.
Purposeful and effective Anger Management classes or courses helps individuals identify their anger styles, and work through any unresolved issues from their past that’s still plaguing current relationships. An effective outcome of an anger management program should paint the picture of an alumni who is more aware of their mood/ temper, who knows what his/her triggers are and is always prepared with their tools should they be confronted with conflict.
When one continues to use anger management tools, it affects people close to them. When these tools are applied daily, it creates an entire lifestyle change. They have more peace with themselves, they communicate more effectively, and they quickly and gently address even the smallest of problems. Anger Management make us wiser about relationship choices. We are able to read personalities by paying attention to emotional cues in specific contexts, and we take much more seriously things we may have taken for granted in the past realizing that small issues only become big issues over time.
If you have taken anger management program and you are the only person seeing or feeling the benefits of the course, that is not a good sign. Others should be inspired about your new change , and they should be motivated to do the same, or simply enjoy your presence more.
For More information about taking an Anger Management class call us at 1-866-512.2275 or email us