Discover Unique Child Anger Management in Toronto.

Discover Unique Child Anger Management In Toronto

If you are a parent that’s fed up, frustrated, and feeling hopeless about finding effective anger treatment for your child, there’s no need to look further. You are about to discover our unique Child Anger Management service in Toronto and GTA. Positive Kids is Canada’s national provider of Social and Emotional learning for children. Even the most pessimistic parents are amazed at the outcome when they register their children in our programs.

Positive Kids offers a unique type of Anger Management intervention that gets results. Some of the questions we often receive from disgruntled parents are:

  • What do you do with a child that has no self-control?
  • What do you do with a child that like to bully other children?
  • What do you do with a child that won’t stand up for themselves?
  • What do you do with a child that doesn’t get along with other children?
  • What do you do with a child who likes to frustrate others?
  • What do you with a child that is hell bent on rebelling
  • What do you do with a child that hits themselves?
  • What do you do with a child that stuffs their feelings?

These are all great questions, and we help parents find solutions to these issues. Anger is a unique emotion that left unchecked can develop into destructive habits, behaviors and attitudes.  If you are a parent that is looking to find Child Anger Management in Toronto or Anger Management for teens/youth, Positive Kids can help you.  We offer after school Anger Management programs for kids in Toronto, GTA as well as nationally.  We offer Anger Management youth workshops, Anger Management parenting workshops and Anger Management educator workshops and others. Our unique Child Anger Management curriculum focuses on some key areas;

  • Identifying Your Child’s Anger style
  • Helping your Child label and become acquainted with “emotional vocabulary
  • Helping Your child isolate which part of the Anger experience they are being challenged with
  • Giving your child tools to problem solve
  • Providing lifestyle tools to help them maintain change
  • Offering follow-up coaching support for child and families
We believe any type of childhood issue is a family affair so we are inclusive of the entire family unit when developing a treatment plan. This ensures that when your child is gaining the skills to overcome their challenges, they are supported by the family as well. In essence, the entire family benefits from the gains made by your child.

Positive Kids is unique in a number of ways.

  • We are the only after school program that targets Anger Management.
  • We pride ourselves on the specialized training of our therapist’s sand child and youth workers.
  • We provide a detailed analysis on your child’s progress throughout the term
Not every Anger Management program is the same and Positive Kids is a trailblazer in that respect.  If you are looking for Anger Management for kids in Toronto and surrounding area and believe your child is struggling with any of the issues mentioned above, don’t hesitate, give us a call at 1-866-503-7454.

Anger problems only get worse with time. Without timely intervention, your teen/youth and/or child could find themselves caught up in an array of out of control behaviors, habits and attitudes that ends up costing you more than money.